During the days of the British-Empire, Her Highness Lady Smith- wife of British Army General, was planning a holiday trip to the Indian countryside. The responsibility, for her accommodation, was entrusted upon the concerned village Head-Master (Mr. HM). He appeared thrilled to have got a chance to welcome her in his private "Guest-House". Mrs. Smith, however, had a serious concern - "Did her lodging include a 'BC'??" In England, a 'BC' commonly stands for 'Bathroom-Commode'. She wrote a letter to Mr. HM, enquiring about the same.
Mr. HM, happened to be a mighty 'Scholar'!! Despite agonizing attempts, he couldn't decipher the meaning of 'BC' & asked for every possible help around. Fellow-villagers were even 'Smarter'!! For two successive nights, they just thought... & thought... & thought... And finally... after pondering over several possible meanings, they concluded that, perhaps Ma'm had asked for 'Baptist-Church' (BC).............
The idea of a 'Bathroom-Commode', could NOT make an entry into their 'Collective-Intelligence'. After painful efforts, Mr. HM managed to jot a letter & posted back to London. She received & started reading: -
"Darling Madam,
I take great pleasure in informing you that, the 'BC' is located 9 miles from the Guest-House, in the middle of a grove of pine trees, surrounded by lovely gardens. You do appreciate our sense of beauty, don't you?? It's a sort of a community-hall for our entire village. Well, that's the tradition here. It's capable of holding 250 people at one go & is open on Sundays & Thursdays only. As a huge crowd's expected in the summer months, I suggest you arrive early. There's, however, plenty of standing room. This is an unfortunate situation, especially, if you are in the habit of 'going regularly'.
You'd be pleased to know that, my daughter was married in the 'BC'. That's where she had met her future husband. It was a wonderful event. 10 people on every seat. It was heart-warming to see the facial expressions of my kith & kin. My wife, sadly, has been ill & unable to go recently. It has been 1 year since she went last, which pains her terribly. You'll be pleased to know that many of our folks bring their lunch & make a day of it. Like a 'Picnic Party'. Others prefer to wait till the last minute & arrive just in time!
I'd recommend your Elite-Ladyship, to go on a Thursday, as there's a musical accompaniment too. The acoustics are excellent & even the most delicate sound can be heard far off. The newest addition is a bell which rings every time a person enters. We are providing plush seats for all, since many feel it's long over-due. I look forward to escorting you myself to such a seat, from where all can view you in full glory.
With lots of love, your beloved, Head-Master..... !"
Posted by - Cammy